Eclipse Essentials

13 09 2012

Sit down and relax for a few minutes. You´ll learn how eclipses work with these three videos.


12 09 2012

One of the most common coordinate systems in use is the Geographic Coordinate System, which uses degrees of latitude and longitude to describe a location on the earth’s surface.

 Lines of latitude run parallel to the equator and divide the earth (south to north). The reference latitude is the equator.

 Lines of longitude run perpendicular to the equator and converge at the poles. The reference line of longitude (the prime meridian) runs from the north pole to the south pole through Greenwich, England.

 Lines of longitude are measured from zero to 180 degrees east or west of the prime meridian.

But how well do you understand the geographic coordinate system, really? Lets  test your knowledge.

Good luck!!

High time to start working

12 09 2012

Task 1.

Surf on the net looking for information  about the solar system. You will draw  the solar system and its  planets in order in your notebooks. Don´t forget to state the diameter of each planet & a feature of each.

10 September 2012. Countdown is almost over!!!!

5 09 2012

A new academic year is to start very soon and all Gaztelueta students will be welcomed to Social Sciences, that´s is History & Geography.

This blog will be updated everyday so as you can check the relevant info needed.

Hello everybody!

30 07 2012

Welcome on board to  the new Gaztelueta Social Studies Blog!

You’ll find the most relevant info about the subject and above all you can also have a look at the best projects, ideas, tasks and so on.


Happy blogging!

Mariano Llorente

Social Studies Headteacher